
La danseuse

Directed by: Stephanie Di Giusto

Cinema program "La danseuse" in Kraków

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Movie poster Tancerka
Original title: La danseuse
Runtime: 108 min.
Production: Francja / Belgia / Czechy , 2016
Category: biography / drama / music
Release Date: 23 December 2016
Distribution: Solopan

Directed by: Stephanie Di Giusto
Cast: Soko, Gaspard Ulliel, Melanie Thierry

When Marie-Louise Fuller was born on the American provinces, absolutely nothing indicated that the girl in the future will be the star of the Paris Opera and European cabarets time Belle Epoque.

Hidden behind meters of silk, arms extension of long wooden poles, Loie every night electrified the audience dance, which was called serpentine.

Fuller quickly became an icon of the era, a symbol of generation. Her veiled movements stage, topped with a play of light, had a profound impact on the visual arts, and more. At the feet of the dancers
They fell Lumière brothers, Toulouse-Lautrec, Auguste Rodin.

Physical activity threatening more than one injury, permanent glow of lights harmful to the eyes - nothing was able to stop a dancer in a continual quest for perfection.

It was not until a meeting with a young, extremely talented Isadora Duncan led to the collapse of the legend ...

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Movie trailer: La danseuse

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